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The Apocalypse

'Ugh, I am so bored,' says Jenny. 'Any ideas?' asks Martin. The four twenty-somethings look around their apartment for inspiration on a sunny afternoon. Suddenly Craig jumps up and screams, 'Holy cow, I've got a terrific idea!' BLAM. His head explodes. Blood flies everywhere. Everyone starts screaming. Nobody knows what to do. Kate has an idea. BLAM. More blood. More screaming. Jenny and Martin try to escape but find 'It's happening everywhere!' screams Jenny. BLAM. Outside the plague is affecting everyone: dogs, cats, men, women. No one is safe. If any living thing is struck by an idea — their heads explode. Jenny and Martin are out of ideas. There is no way to out think —"The Apocalypse".

Director: Andrew Zuchero

Executive Producer: Emily Wiedemann, Nick Kadner

Producer: Alicia Van Couvering, Emily Wiedemann, Adam Lytle

Screenwriter: Andrew Zuchero

Cinematographer: David Jacobson

Editor: Zac Stuart-Pontier

Production Designer: John Travis Furgason

Sound Designer: Jonathan Schenke

Music: Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans

Additional Credits: Co-Producer: Melody Roscher, Co-Producer: Adam Lytle, SFX: Max Isaacson, Production Manager: Chazz Carfora, Gaffer: Adam Newport-Berra

Principal Cast: Martin Starr, Ella Rae Peck, Kate Lyn Shiel, Benjamin Pike, Duke Dloughy, Chanel Michaels, Airon Armstrong, Dean Neistat


Andrew Zuchero was raised in Pennsylvania and studied at New York University. He lives in Brooklyn and spends nearly all of his time at the commercial and film production company Greencard Pictures NYC.

Public Film Contact
Emily Wiedemann
Greencard Pictures
(212) 260-5715
