Vienna, winter. Johann, a guard at the grand Kunsthistorisches Art Museum encounters Anne, a foreign visitor called to Austria because of a medical emergency. Never having been to Austria and with little money, she wanders the city in limbo, taking the museum as her refuge. Johann, initially wary, offers help, and they’re drawn into each other’s worlds. Their meetings spark an unexpected series of explorations – of their own lives and the life of the city, and of the way artworks can reflect and shape daily experience.
Museum Hours
Director: Jem Cohen
Executive Producer: Guy Picciotto, Patti Smith
Producer: Paolo Calamita, Jem Cohen, Gabriele Kranzelbinder
Screenwriter: Jem Cohen
Cinematographer: Jem Cohen & Peter Roehsler
Editor: Jem Coehn & Marc Vives
Sound Designer: Bruno Pisek
Principal Cast: Mary Margaret O’Hara, Bobby Sommer, Ela Piplits
Director Bio

New-York based, Cohen’s feature-length films include "Chain" and "Benjamin Smoke". His films are in the collections of NYC’s Museum of Modern Art and Whitney Museum and have been broadcast by PBS, Arte, and the Sundance Channel.
Distributor: The Cinema Guild
Sales Agent: MPM Film
Public Film Contact
Graham Swindoll
The Cinema Guild
(212) 685-6242