Mitchell (Josh Duhamel) and Carter (Dan Fogler), life-long friends who have drifted apart, are on a road trip when their old pickup breaks down, leaving them stranded on an isolated desert road. Nobody can pick apart a man like his best friend, and as the relentless elements of the desert grind them down, they start to attack each other’s life decisions with unwavering brutality. As they question who they are and who they could have been, their agitation leads to physical confrontation and ultimately knife-wielding madness, and what begins as an inconvenience becomes a very real life or death struggle.
Scenic Route
Director: Kevin Goetz, Michael Goetz
Executive Producer: Josh Duhamel, Paul Green & Keith Redmon
Producer: Brion Hambel, Paul Jensen, Luke Rivett & Scott Freeman
Screenwriter: Kyle Killen
Cinematographer: Sean O'Dea
Editor: Kindra Marra
Production Designer: Elizabeth Jones
Sound Designer: Vicki Lemar
Music: Michael Einziger
Additional Credits: Costume Designer: Sheila Hume, Line Producer: Ami Armstrong, Post Production Supervisor: Michelle Sullivan, Music Supervisor: Rebecca Rienks, Casting Director: Jennifer Cooper
Principal Cast: Josh Duhamel, Dan Fogler
Director Bio
With the adage two heads are stronger than one, the Emmy nominated and three-time AICP award-winning Goetz Brothers have been helming commercials and music videos for over thirteen years. Michael graduated with an MFA from USC, Kevin from the Art Center in Pasadena. "Scenic Route" marks their first feature film.
Sales Agent: Paul Green / Anonymous Content
Public Film Contact
Paul Green
Anonymous Content
(310) 558-6000