Since their humble beginnings in New York City in 2001, Improv Everywhere has grown from a small gang of restless jokesters into an internationally recognized prank collective and a viral video-making machine. From the No Pants Subway Ride to Frozen Grand Central to the MP3 Experiment and beyond, their publicly staged scenes of chaos and joy are beloved by the hundreds who witness them, the thousands who participate in them, and the millions who watch and share the videos online. We Cause Scenes: The Rise of Improv Everywhere is the inside story of this groundbreaking group and its founder, Charlie Todd, who has turned the world into a stage, inventing an art form for the Internet age.
We Cause Scenes
Director: Matt Adams
Executive Producer: Chad Nicholson
Producer: Andrew Soltys, Matt Adams
Editor: Nathan Russell
Music: Matt Oestreicher, Mike Parker, Tyler Walker
Additional Credits: Co-Producer: Nathan Russell, Co-Producer: Adam Barton, Associate Producer: Alan Aisenberg, Associate Editor: Denis Cardineau, Additional Editing by: Adam Barton
Principal Cast: Charlie Todd, Ben Folds, Ken Keech, Anthony King, Chris Kula, Cody Lindquist, Tyler Walker, Bill Wasik
Director Bio

Matt Adams has been producing successful internet videos from his Brooklyn studio since 2005. He has been the key filmmaker behind Improv Everywhere’s videos which have exploded online and have been viewed hundreds of millions of times. "We Cause Scenes" is his first feature film.
Public Film Contact
Andrew Soltys
(703) 303-9660