One of the smartest and most terrifying films in years, "You're Next" reinvents the genre by putting a fresh twist on home-invasion horror. When a gang of masked, ax-wielding murderers descend upon the Davison family reunion, the hapless victims seem trapped... until an unlikely guest of the family proves to be the most talented killer of all.
You're Next
Director: Adam Wingard
Producer: Keith Calder, Jessica Wu, Simon Barrett
Screenwriter: Simon Barrett
Cinematographer: Andrew Droz Palermo
Editor: Adam Wingard
Production Designer: Thomas S. Hammock
Sound Designer: Jeffery A. Pitts
Music: Jasper Justice Lee, Kyle McKinnon, Mads Heldtberg
Additional Credits: Producer: Kim Sherman, Casting Director: Michelle Morris Gertz C.S.A., Costume Designer: Emma Potter, Additional Music: Adam Wingard, Music Supervisor: Jonathan McHugh
Principal Cast: Sharni Vinson, Nicholas Tucci, Wendy Glenn, AJ Bowen, Joe Swanberg, Rob Moran, Barbara Crampton, Margaret Laney, Amy Seimetz, Ti West
Director Bio

Adam's film A Horrible Way to Die premiered at TIFF 2010, followed by You're Next at TIFF 2011. Acquired by Lionsgate, You're Next opens wide in theaters this August. He also directed segments in Sundance hits V/H/S and S-VHS, both bought by Magnolia, and a segment in horror anthology The ABCs of Death. Next up is Dead Spy Running for Warner Bros.
Public Film Contact
Elena Russell-Nava
(310) 255-3669