How Twitter Has Changed How We Watch TV
Social media has had a dramatic impact on how we watch television, with Twitter leading the way for a social TV revolution. Social television - the term used to describe the symbiotic relationship between social media and TV - is producing big changes in how TV programs are created, delivered and consumed. Shows like American Idol and Pretty Little Liars, and special televised events like the Golden Globes and X Games, have embraced social media as a way to interact more intimately with their audiences, bringing content from the TV screen to the second screen (and in some cases from the second screen to the TV screen).
We watch more live TV now than we did five years ago. Advertisers use branded hashtags to market to viewers. Fictional characters have their own Twitter accounts. Actors tweet from behind the scenes as they're filming new episodes. This panel will explore these changes and more in an attempt to understand the impact social media has had on TV (and vice versa).

Co-Founder and Chief Customer Officer of Union Metrics, PhD in Organizational Communication and Technology