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Cicada Princess


For sixteen years cicadas live underground. They emerge for one glorious night to live out their lives in hope of finding happiness and maybe... love. They gather for the grand cicada party at the castle, knowing that when the sun rises, their lives will come to an end.

Director: Mauricio Baiocchi

Executive Producer: Kevin Baillie, Natalie Baillie

Producer: Sarah Chin,

Screenwriter: Mauricio Baiocchi

Cinematographer: Ray Gilberti

Editor: Russ Miller

Production Designer: Randy Gaul

Music: Jesse Solomon Clark


Mauricio Baiocchi is a 15 year veteran of the Visual Effects and Animation industry working on character driven feature films. In 2010 Mauricio found his second calling working with puppets and miniature sets. There are days he feels like the luckiest person on earth.

Public Film Contact
Mauricio Baiocchi
Cicada Princess
(510) 381-5103
