This is the archived SXSW 2012 schedule. Please see the current schedule here.

SSO (Single Sign On): Why Does It Suck So Often?

#sxsw #sso

Single sign-on was a great promise: let the big identity providers handle authentication/identity, and your website gets all the benefits of a streamlined registration process for free! Anyone who has ever tried to implement it however, knows it never really works that way. In the real world, it’s a lot more messy: especially when you add in mobile, multiple providers and mixing it up with an existing account system. We’ll discuss best practices for making it work, handling the gnarly edge cases with security and identity issues, and how to make sure the user experience is as painless as possible.Panel will include platform representatives from Facebook, Twitter, and Google.



Cynthia Johanson Prod Mgr Twitter

Cynthia Johanson is a product manager at Twitter, focusing on core systems such as the API and Previously, she was a PM at Flickr and Y! Brickhouse, and prior to that, a software engineer at Y! Mobile and LMSAL. Her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science is from MIT.

Joseph Smarr Member of Technical Staff Google Inc

Joseph Smarr is a software engineer at Google, and a technical lead of the Google+ project, focused on circles and sharing. Previously, he was Plaxo's Chief Technology Officer, where he led their initiative to open up the social web, starting with co-authoring the Bill of Rights for Users of the Social Web in 2007. He has served of the Board of Directors of the OpenID Foundation and OpenSocial Foundation. A frequent speaker and community participant in the social networking and web development communities, Joseph has built web applications for many years. Joseph has a BS and MS from Stanford University in Artificial Intelligence. His website is, or just Google him!

Matt Kelly Engineer on Dev Rel Facebook

Matt is an engineer on Developer Relations, where he works with developers to make their products more social. Working on the Facebook Platform since its inception, he has collaborated with more than a hundred companies including Spotify, Yelp, Pandora, CNN, and ESPN.

Prior to joining Facebook, he was the lead server engineer at Large Animal Games and launched over a dozen games on Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Cyworld, and Twitter.

Recently, he won Best Hack at the MTV O Music Awards for Crowdjuke.

Matthew Rothenberg VP Prod bitly

Matthew Rothenberg (or "mroth") is Head of Product at Bitly. Prior to Bitly, he was Head of Product for Flickr.

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