Making Stories: Libraries & Community Publishing
Good libraries are community-minded, technologically-aware, devoted to increasing access to information, and interested in preserving the local cultural heritage. Good newspapers aggregate and curate information for their readers, prioritize the local population, and are the record of a place, a time, a citizenry. Both believe they must tell stories for everyone, not just themselves.
Libraries have experience with media production, and are already a known community resource. Supporting communication within their community falls within the library’s mandate to increase access to information. Building on the “maker” ethic, how can libraries help their communities make their own news, write their own stories, publish their own histories?

Amy is the eScholarship, ePublishing & Digitization Coordinator at McGill University Library, where she is responsible for scholarly communication, publishing initiatives, and making rare items from special collections available to the world through digitization. Amy was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker in 2008, and a SLA Rising Star in 2010. Elle est fière d'être Montréalaise, and thinks academic libraryland is ripe for a revolution.

Early riser, devoted oceanite, and advocate of radical neutrality, Char Booth explores the integration of education, research, technology, and design in libraries. An ALA Emerging Leader and Library Journal Mover and Shaker, Char blogs at info-mational and tweets @charbooth. Her publications include Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators (ALA Editions, 2011) and Informing Innovation: Tracking Student Interest in Emerging Library Technologies (ACRL, 2009). Char has a BA in History from Reed College in 2001; an MSIS from the UT Austin School of Information in 2005, and a Master of Computer Education and Technology from Ohio Univeristy in 2008.

Michael is a librarian, presenter, author and practical technology fan. He has 20 years of experience working in Libraryland, writes regularly in major library journals around the world and in 2009 was selected as a Library Journal “Mover & Shaker”. In 2010 was elected to the American Library Association’s governing Council and in 2011 to ALA's Executive Board. He previously worked with The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, OCLC, WebJunction, and the Allen County Public Library. Michael currently serves as CEO of Library Renewal, an non-profit organization dedicated to research, partnerships and grassroots support for libraries as they struggle to offer electronic content to their users in competitive ways. Visit for more info on this work.

Nate Hill is a librarian, designer, and naturalist living in the Santa Cruz mountains. By day he is a Web Librarian at the San Jose Public Library, and in his 'free time' he writes for the Public Library Association Blog, does web consulting work with, and acts as a convener for the Audience and Participation Workstream of the Digital Public Library of America.