Principles and Practices for Privacy by Design
Smart policies and practices for managing data and protecting your users’ personal information are good for business. It doesn't have to be a zero-sum game where you sacrifice privacy for usability, functionality or security. Whether you're part of a small team or a large organization, find out how to earn users' trust by applying Privacy by Design to your product development and business practices.

Ilana Westerman is CEO of Create with Context, Inc., a leading digital strategy consulting firm. For the past 15 years, she has championed the role of people plus context as key drivers behind the design of innovative technology solutions, helping ensure that digital products and services align with human needs, goals, and desires.
Ilana began working on digital innovation in the mid-1990s, including award-winning work on the IBM Nagano Olympics web presence. Then, as one of the early members of Yahoo!, she helped build the Yahoo! User Experience team, leading R&D teams for key Yahoo! properties. Most recently, she serves as CEO at Create with Context, where under her leadership the company has seen significant year-over-year growth since its inception in 2005, with clients ranging from global
brands such as Accenture, BarclayCard, Intuit, Panasonic, TrendMicro, Visa, and Yahoo! to emerging technology providers including Windspire Energy, Ingenuity, and NextWindow.

Keith Enright serves as Google Inc.'s Senior Privacy Counsel in their Mountain View, California headquarters. Prior to joining Google, Keith served as Chief Privacy Officer and Vice President for Macy's, Inc, and as Chief Privacy Officer and Director, Enterprise Information Policy for Limited Brands, Inc.
Previous roles include Senior Consultant and Privacy Technology Lead at IBM Business Consulting Services' Public Sector Security, Privacy and Wireless practice and General Counsel and Vice President of ISP relations for Adknowledge, Inc.
Keith serves on a number of industry advisory boards and is frequently a featured speaker at industry events focusing on privacy and IT security. He holds the Certified Information Privacy Professional for Government (CIPP/G) certification from the International Association of Privacy Professionals.

Microsoft is building new entertainment scenarios that were impossible to imagine just a few years ago. With biometric login, easy video creation and sharing, voice clip collection, and in-room sensors that may use customer information in innovative ways, how can an engineering team maintain customer privacy and also keep the experiences fun and playable? The answer is to embed privacy into the software development lifecycle!
As chief privacy officer for Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business, I lead a team of Privacy Managers who conduct privacy technical reviews all Xbox, Kinect, and entertainment products. I partner with our business teams to anticipate possible privacy impacts of new technologies, and I ensure that the 9000+ people working in our division who are creating innovative games, apps & entertainment products are adhering to the company's privacy principles. Success means that privacy is a foundation of best practices and policies that all our products and services hook into at the right time, to promote customer trust and to provide smart defaults that avoid a speedbump between customers and enjoying the product.

Natalie Fonseca is the owner of SageScape, a privately held company she founded in 2003 that specializes in producing executive-level conferences for the technology industry. Her clients have included The Wall Street Journal, Guidewire Group, Fawcette Technical Publications, Future US and Inman News.
She is also the co-founder and executive producer of Tech Policy Summit and the Privacy Identity Innovation conference, which debuted in 2006 and 2009 respectively. She is currently developing the program for the third annual Privacy Identity Innovation conference, which is taking place May 15-16 in Seattle.
Prior to starting SageScape, she held a variety of editorial and marketing roles in Silicon Valley. She received a bachelor's degree from UCLA in communications studies with an emphasis in Chicano/a Studies.
She was recently named a Privacy by Design ambassador by the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario. You can follow her on Twitter at @TechPolicy.