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Boost Fundraising & Engagement with “Gamification”

#sxsw #BoostFunds

Gamification, eh? You’ve seen it all over the place, but likely never noticed. From Farmville and Mafia Wars to Foursquare and Gowalla, gamification has spread like wild fire in recent years – Daily deal platforms are incenting you with group-buying, credit card companies are rewarding you with cash back, and airlines are offering you free flights for miles/points. But did you know that nonprofits have been using gaming tactics for years? Join us and we’ll show you real world examples of “gamified” fundraising initiatives, simple gaming tactics that have been proven to work, and how to take advantage of gamification at your organization.



Frank Barry Marketer Blackbaud

Frank, does internet marketing and strategy at Blackbaud, blogs at NetWits ThinkTank and guest blogs at, All his efforts are focused on helping non-profits use the Internet for fundraising, marketing, communications and community building. With more than eight years of experience in the nonprofit arena, he has worked with a diverse group of organizations including LIVESTRONG, United Methodist Church, American Heart Association, Family Life, Darkness to Light, University of Richmond, Big Brother Big Sisters, ChildFund Int’l, and more.

Laura Hartman Dir, External Partnerships Zynga

Laura Pincus Hartman is Director of External Partnerships for, the philanthropic arm of Zynga Game Network. Hartman helped to establish, though which Zynga players have contributed more than $10 million toward both domestic and international social causes. She is also Vincent de Paul Professor of Business Ethics in DePaul University’s Driehaus School of Business, Special Assistant to the President for DePaul’s Haiti Initiatives, and chair of the board of one of Haiti’s first elementary schools that focuses on leadership development for children living in poverty, L’Ecole de Choix (the School of Choice,

As a globally recognized scholar, educator, trainer, service-provider, advisor and author of over 80 books, cases and articles, Hartman has consulted for multinational for-profits, non-profits and educational institutions in the field of business ethics on issues related to the alleviation of global poverty through profitable corporate partnerships, corporate governance, responsibility and culture, the employment relationship, global labor conditions and standards, and the impact of technology on employment relationships. She is based in Chicago.

Patty Huber Dir of G-Team Groupon Inc

Patty Huber, Manager of G-Team, leads the philanthropic arm at Groupon. Harnessing the collective action platform, Patty developed the G-Team initiative to turn deal seekers into do-gooders by tapping into the collective power of the group to respond to local community need. Passionate about volunteer involvement and crafty with online engagement, she has led the G-Team in raising funds and awareness for local charities across the nation.

Patty discovered her passion for community development and civic engagement through her experience developing service-learning and experiential education programs for high school and college students. She went on to produce corporate volunteer programs while pursing work in mental health and social service agencies. Patty approaches corporate citizenship and civic engagement from a social work perspective and seeks to create innovative ways to solve social problems through sustainable for-profit models.

Patty has a Bachelor’s degree on Psychology from James Madison University, as well as a Master’s degree in Social Work from Loyola University Chicago. Her hobbies include braving the elements during her year-round bike commute to work and spending time with her husband, Brian, and new daughter Vivian Rose.

Randy Paynter Founder/CEO

Randy Paynter is the Founder and CEO of With over 15 million members, Care2 is the largest online community of people making a difference in healthy & green living, human rights and animal welfare. Care2 empowers individuals to “Make a Difference” with daily actions, healthy living advice, news and blogs on causes, petitions, contests, groups and more.

Care2 adds more than 7,000 new members each day and is among the fastest growing sites among women and baby boomers. Care2 was Green America’s 2009 People’s Choice Award Winner for Green Business of the Year. The company was founded in 1998, has offices in Redwood City, CA and Washington, DC and has over 50 employees.

Steve Kehrli Dir of Dev PETA

Our Awesome 2012 Sponsors