Misuse the Internet and Make People Love You
Online culture, unlike any other medium, was mostly created by people dicking around. Fake Twitter accounts, single-topic blogs, microsites, image macros, even 4chan trolls are building a rich, constantly evolving creative tradition by subverting tools meant for more serious purposes.
Learn about the often-inscrutable online creative process from internet around-dickers and the people who study them. Learn how to do this stuff yourself, for fun, for money or to improve the world (with fun and money).

Better known on the internet as topherchris, I watch and participate in amazing things constantly happening in the Tumblr community. I'm a big fan of creative expression in all forms, but especially as internet hijinks and green bean casserole recipes.

I write. Mostly about the Web. I also help agencies and brands make their stuff go viral through content strategy and copywriting.
In 2011 I wrote two books. The first is about the hacktivist group Anonymous and the memetic culture from which it spawned.
The second presents a broader history of anonymity as a social construct. It will focus on how "identity brokers" like Facebook and Google try to control and monetize your identity, and how technology like Tor, Bitcoin and Freenet empowers anons to rage against these systems of control. Scheduled for a fall 2012 release.

my name is jon hendren. i am on twitter. my name there is @fart. i write stupid stuff for something awful sometimes. i live and work in the san francisco bay area. i usually work at startups as a writer or community guy. i have a car and a computer and i like dogs and bugs and plants.

Nick Douglas edits Slacktory, a comedy blog, for My Damn Channel. He's the editor of the book Twitter Wit, the former editor of Valleywag and Urlesque, and he's been published in Wired, Slate and Esquire.com.