HOW: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything
In today's interconnected and even morally interdependent world, we rise and fall together. The way to forge a better, more sustainable path of growth and progress lies in the realm of human behavior- HOW we do what we do. Leaders have become successful at measuring how much by out-selling and out-spending. But instead of asking how much, we should be examining HOW. How we behave, lead, consume, build trust in our relationships, and relate to others has always mattered but in an age when everything can be tweeted and blogged about and where there is no such thing as private behavior, HOW matters more than ever and in ways it never has before. Through entertaining anecdotes and illuminating examples, Dov Seidman will discuss why, in light of the recent financial and environmental crises of epic proportions, how is no longer just a question: HOW is the answer.

DOV SEIDMAN’s professional career has focused on how companies and their people can operate in both a principled and profitable way.
Dov is the author of HOW: Why HOW We Do Anything Means Everything published by Wiley & Sons in an Expanded Edition in September 2011 with a Foreword by President Bill Clinton and a new preface from Dov on why how we behave, lead, govern and relate to others matters more than ever and in ways it never has before.
He is the founder and CEO of LRN. Since 1994, LRN has helped hundreds of companies simultaneously navigate complex legal and regulatory environments and foster ethical cultures. In 2008, LRN acquired environmental innovation firm GreenOrder.
Today, LRN operates globally and reaches, works with, and helps shape winning organizational cultures inspired by sustainable values in hundreds of companies with over 20 million people working in more than 100 countries around the world. Fortune magazine called Dov the “hottest advisor on the corporate virtue circuit” and he was also named one of the “Top 60 Global Thinkers of the Last Decade” by the Economic Times. Dov became the exclusive corporate sponsor of the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity Prize in Ethics in 2008. He is a Harvard Law School graduate who also earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in moral philosophy from UCLA and a BA with honors in philosophy, politics, and economics from Oxford University.