Fighting for Your Users Without Becoming a Target
The Internet is a fantastic resource for sharing and storing ideas, information, and creative works. But users -- individuals and companies -- can't take advantage of that bounty without help from a network of large and small service providers, from social media services like Facebook to storage services such as DropBox and SpiderOak. Too often, these providers are cowed by legal threats into taking down perfectly legal material (like the Facebook page you use to network for your business) or revealing private information about their users. How can you earn your users' loyalty by doing better, and how can you help ensure that the services on which you rely do right by you and your customers? What legal risks do you need to watch out for, and how can you make them go away? A group of experienced lawyers and business owners will help you answer these questions from a legal and practical perspective.

Christopher Mooney is a software engineer that works in the high performance and high availability problem space. He has a B.S. in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics at the University of Southern Maine, and is currently employed as a software engineer for He is the acting executive director of Project DoD Inc., a 501(c)(3) charitable technology nonprofit with a focus on censorship resistant services. He has always been interested in computer security, and has focused a good deal of time on cryptology and computer security research. In the past, he has spoken on "Subverting the World of Warcraft API" in 2009 at DEFCON 17, and "The DMCA & ACTA vs. Academic & Professional Research: How Misuse of this Intellectual Property Legislation Chills Research, Disclosure and Innovation" in 2010 at H.O.P.E. and Blackhat. To find out more information about Christopher Mooney you can visit the bio links.

Corynne leads the intellectual property team at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a public interest law firm dedicated to protecting your digital rights. Corynne specializes in copyright, trademark and free speech issues, with representative cases including Lenz v. Universal (copyright misuse), Chamber of Commerce v. Servin, et al. (trademark misuse), and In re Sony BMG CD Technologies Litigation (aka the "rootkit" case), as well as numerous amicus briefs on trademark, copyright, and patent issues. She has appeared on radio and television, including Democracy Now!, NPR, CNBC, CBS, and Fox News' O'Reilly Factor, and has been quoted in various print and online publications such as the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, Rolling Stone, the Boston Globe, CNET News, and Wired News. Prior to joining EFF, Corynne was a litigator at Bingham McCutchen, LLP, and wrote Who Owns Academic Work?: Battling for Control of Intellectual Property (Harvard University Press, 2001). She holds a Ph.D. from U.C. San Diego and J.D. from Stanford Law School.

Ethan is the founder and CEO of SpiderOak - providing cloud-based backup, synchronization, and sharing services. Through the creation of a fully secure environment ('zero-knowledge' privacy), SpiderOak focuses on delivering a more flexible and technically advanced solution to the consumer, small business, and enterprise.
Ethan graduated from Harvard University in 1999. Upon graduation, he matriculated to New York to produce a short film about an elderly Jewish brassiere maker. When complete he moved back to his hometown of Chicago - producing commercials and designing/constructing furniture. He started an email marketing company which he grew from 2001 - 2004. In 2005 he traveled and took involvement in several real estate projects.
In 2006 the ideas for SpiderOak started to take hold and by the middle of 2007 the company was formed. SpiderOak officially launched its service in December of that year. His blogging contributions can be mainly found on the SpiderOak blog ( and range in subject matter from the importance of user privacy to sandwich making to current events to influential and 'must-read' books.

Senior Counsel - Privacy
Cox Communications
Randy has served as Privacy Counsel for Cox Communications since 2003. He is responsible for privacy and data security issues relating to the cable, internet and telecommunications services of Cox throughout the United States.
Before joining Cox, Randy served in a wide range of legal roles with BellSouth, including responsibility for its print and internet publishing entities, regulatory, venture capital and real estate development operations. Before that time, he practiced law representing corporate and construction clients.