How Is Internet Helping People Make Their Own Laws
Brazil's Marco Civil da Internet is a proposed new national law regulating the rights and responsibilities of Internet users and service providers. Crafted through an open, participatory process, it sets a new standard for national laws governing privacy, freedom of expression, online liability, net neutrality and open government. It is also a real example of "wiki government" in action. After the inovative Marco Civil da Internet, that is now being debated at Brazilian Congress, a huge reform in the Brazilian Copyright Law, a Personal Data Law and even the Code of Civil Procedure are being discussed on open plataforms on the internet, which allows a whole new model of direct democracy. Come learn about what has been accomplished in Brazil and might come to a government near you.

Ronaldo Lemos, Lemos is the director of the Center for Technology & Society at the Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) Law School, where he is also head professor of intellectual property law. He is Project Lead of the Creative Commons Brazil.
Lemos is a founder of Overmundo, for which he received the Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica in the category of digital communities.
Lemos' academic qualifications include a J.D., University of Sao Paulo Law School, a Master of Laws degree, Harvard Law School, and a Doctor of Law, University of Sao Paulo.
In 2011, Lemos joined the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University as a visiting fellow.
He also worked from 2006 to 2009 as a curator for Tim Festival, a large music festival in Brazil. In 2011 started writing and presenting a TV show for MTV Brasil focused on technology and policy issues, called Mod MTV.
Lemos was one of the creators of the Marco Civil, a draft legislation for regulating the Internet in Brazil protecting civil rights, privacy and net neutrality. The process for drafting the bill was coordinated by the Ministry of Justice in partnership with the Center for Technology & Society at FGV.

PhD and Master in Civil Law at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Research Assistent Professor of Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law at Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School, at Rio de Janeiro. Former General Attorney of Brazilian Information Technology Institute – ITI. Former Academic Development Coordinator for the Postgraduate Program at FGV Direito Rio. Author of books “Copyright Law at the Internet and the Use of Other People’s Works” and “Copyright Law”. Majored in Intellectual Property (Catholic University at Rio de Janeiro) and in Cinema (FGV). Lawyer.