Big Data: Privacy Threat or Business Model?
Technological innovation has dramatically increased the types andvolume of personal information created and captured. Social networks,mobile devices, thermostats, cars, even kitchen appliances collect andaggregate data from and about users. Personal data is among the mostvaluable assets for the current crop of tech startups. On the darkside, consumers have very little conception of the amount of data theyare creating and sharing and little appreciation of the potential risksand harms. On the bright side, data-based innovation can lead to newproducts, more efficiency, and lower costs. How can we protectourselves, without overreacting, in the age of data abundance? Can wetrust in the market to deliver the appropriate controls and usereducation, or do we need regulatory intervention? This session is sponsored by CNET / CBS Interactive.

Jay Stanley is Senior Policy Analyst with the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, where he researches, writes and speaks about technology-related privacy and civil liberties issues and their future. He has authored and co-authored a variety of influential ACLU reports on privacy and technology topics. Before joining the ACLU, he was an analyst at the technology research firm Forrester, served as American politics editor of Facts on File’s World News Digest, and as national newswire editor at Medialink. He is a graduate of Williams College and holds an M.A. in American History from the University of Virginia.

Lillie Coney is Associate Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington, DC. She has testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Privacy and Cybercrime Enforcement and the House Committee on Homeland Security on the topic of watch lists. She has also testified before the House Committee on Science regarding Smart Grid and privacy. She also testified several times before the Department of Homeland Security's Data Privacy and Integrity Advisory Committee on domestic surveillance, CCTV Surveillance, and "Fusion Centers". Ms. Coney has testified before the Election Assistance Commission on the subject of voter privacy related to voter registration databases, electronic voting system standards development, and developing reliable measures for voting administration and equipment management. She co-chaired the 2011 Computers Freedom and Privacy Conference the Future is Now held at the Georgetown Law Center in Washington, DC. She chaired the Public Voice Jerusalem Conference in 2010 and the Mexico City meeting in 2011.
Her work at EPIC encompasses forecast and analysis of emerging technology and government policy and its implications for privacy. Past efforts in this regard include Automated Target Recognition (Whole Body Scanning) and Air Travel, Fusion Centers, Smart Grid, e-Deceptive Campaign Practices, DHS Chief Privacy Office, role of civil society and cyber-security policy, E-verify and Secure Communities. She coordinates EPIC’s coalition efforts, which include the Privacy Coalition and The Public Voice. In 2009, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed Ms. Lillie Coney to the Election Assistance Commission Board of Advisors. She wrote the chapter, Mobilize Underrepresented Voters, in the New York Times Best Seller, 50 Ways to Love Your Country.

Molly Wood is an executive editor at CNET, host of the Buzz Report and Buzz Out Loud at CNET TV, and author of the Molly Rants blog. When she's not enraging fanboys of all stripes, she can be found offering tech opinions on CBS and elsewhere, and offering opinions on everything else to anyone who will listen.

Will DeVries is Privacy Counsel for Google, advising Google’s product teams on privacy and security issues worldwide. He previously worked for Google in Washington, DC as Policy Counsel on regulatory and legislative issues ranging from social networking to online advertising to government access to user data. Will also taught privacy and e-commerce law at the George Washington University Law School, and speaks regularly on privacy issues. Prior to Google, Will worked in the Communications, Privacy and Information Law group at WilmerHale LLP. Will is a graduate of Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley School of Law.