Democracy 2.0 in the German Parliament
Jimmy Schulz attended SXSW in 2011 and announced during the panel session „Make Citizens Social: Digital Participation in Public Services“ that next year he would report the results of the implementation of “Adhocracy” in the German parliament. The Inquiry Committee “Internet and digital society” has been experimenting with the application of Liquid Democracy ( this last year. New forms of democratic participation thanks to technical innovation can help reduce public dissatisfaction with politics. Significantly, these tools can improve transparency, which is important for political legitimization and helping people better understand and identify with political decisions. Jimmy Schulz would like to report on the initial results of the application of these tools in the German Parliament.

- 42 years old, born in 1968 in Freiburg, Germany
- raised in Ottobrunn, Landkreis München
- since January 2000 living in Riemerling/Hohenbrunn
- married to Petra Schulz-Geßl
- 3 children, ages 6, 9 and 18 years old
- Schule III Ottobrunn
- Secondary Education (equivalent A-levels) Ottobrunner Gymnasium
- Studied political science at the University of Texas at Austin and in Munich, Germany
Career developments
- worked at various IT companies during school
- 1995 founded CyberSolutions GmbH
- 2000 stock market entry
- currently CEO of CyberSolutions Ltd.
- company seat in Riemerling/Hohenbrunn
Positions in the German Parliament
- Full Member Interior Committee
- Substitute Member Culture and Media Committee
- Substitute Member Petitions Committee
- FDP Spokesperson Subcommittee New Media
- FDP Spokesperson Enquete Committee “Internet and Digital Society”
Political Career
- since 2000 Member of the FDP
- since 2002 Local Council Hohenbrunn
- since 2002 Member of District Council FDP Oberbayern
- 2003-2010 County chair FDP München-Land
- 2006 Mayor candidate for Hohenbrunn-Riemerling
- since 2007 substitute chair „Landesfachauschuss“ fundamental questions FDP Bayern
- since 2008 substitute chair „Bezirksfachauschusses“ Economy FDP Oberbayern
- since 2008 Kreisrat in Kreistag München-Land
- since 2008 substitute parliamentary group chair FDP Landkreisfraktion
- since 2008 3rd Mayor of municipality Hohenbrunn
- 2008 candidate for the Bavarian Parliament (Landtag) in voting area München-Land-Süd,
number 7 on the Oberbayern list with the most first votes of all FDP candidates
- 2009 National Parliament direct candidate for Voting area 222 München-Land/Krailing
- Number 10 on the Bayern list for the national parliament elections
- since 27.10.2009 Member of the German Parliament
- delegate for district, state and national party congress