Boxcar Fair follows a wandering explorer who stumbles upon a magical fair in the middle of a desert. Artist Tom Haney creates an array of intricate puppets to help illustrate the story. The entirety of Boxcar Fair was shot in one take, with no cuts from beginning to end.
Little Tybee, "Boxcar Fair"
Director(s): Brock Scott, Tom Haney
Cinematographer: Andrew Kornylak
Editor(s): Andrew Kornylak
Sound Designer: Pat Brooks
Music: Little Tybee
Principal Cast: Raymond Carr, Amy Rush, Mauree Culberson, Lee Bryan
Director Bio

Brock Scott is an Atlanta based artist / musician who loves making cool things. He earned a degree in sculpture from Savannah College of Art and Design and consistently has his hands in large projects across many formats.
Public Film Contact
Brock Scott
Little Tybee
1200 Foster St. Building W2 Room 225