photo of Natasha Pearlman

Natasha Pearlman

Exec Editor
Glamour | Conde Nast

Natasha Pearlman is the Executive Editor of Glamour, overseeing Glamour's special projects, books, political work and campaigns. She is the

editorial lead for Glamour's annual Women of the Year awards, and is the award-winning writer and creator of Glamour's 28 Days project—following eight women through the first 28 days postpartum, to highlight the importance of passing paid leave. The project is currently in development as a documentary film. She leads the ongoing #passpaidleave campaign at the publication, and is currently writing a book on the history of Glamour.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Natasha Pearlman
Events featuring Natasha Pearlman