photo of Tracy Neal-Walden, Ph.D.

Tracy Neal-Walden, Ph.D.

Chief Clinical Officer
Cohen Veterans Network

Dr. Neal-Walden leads the development/implementation of clinical practice guidelines, training, quality assurance and patient safety for a national network. She is a clinical psychologist with experience in mental health, telehealth, use of technology in treatment. She is an advocate/speaker/consultant in the mental health community and serves on numerous councils/boards to include SAMHSA’s Nat’l Advisory Council, the Editorial Board of APA Div 12’s journal, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, and Centerstone Military Services’ National Policy Committee.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Tracy Neal-Walden, Ph.D.
Events featuring Tracy Neal-Walden, Ph.D.