photo of Carlos Miguel Martinez

Carlos Miguel Martinez


With a decade immersed in shamanic practices and deep connections with the Shipibo, Wixárika, and Q’ero people, I am an advanced practitioner of shamanic wisdom. Completing a transformative 10-year apprenticeship with indigenous teachers, my journey spans diverse realms, blending a rich tapestry of experiences. Beyond my shamanic expertise, my professional trajectory includes the art world, financial advising, real estate development, business, and investing. This unique background positions me to bridge ancient wisdom with contemporary success.

As a seasoned guide, I empower ambitious entrepreneurs to refine their life purpose using profound insights from ancient shamanic wisdom. My teachings draw from a deep reservoir of knowledge cultivated through years of practice and mentorship. Recognizing the transformative potential of psychedelics, I explore non-psychedelic states through ancient shamanic practices, aiming to open doors of inquiry, contemplation, and transformation. My mission is a holistic approach marrying tradition with innovation.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Carlos Miguel Martinez
Events featuring Carlos Miguel Martinez