photo of Isabel González Whitaker

Isabel González Whitaker

Associate Vice President For Public Engagement, Moms Clean Air Force / Ecomadres And Vice President, Environmental Defense Fund
Moms Clean Air Force / Ecomadres, Environmental Defense Fund

Isabel González Whitaker was the Chief Operating Officer of All in Together, a leading nonprofit dedicated to advancing women’s leadership through civic participation. Previously she was Principal Advisor, Executive Strategic Communications, for ALSAC, the $2B+ annual fundraising and awareness organization for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital headquartered in Memphis. Isabel was also the Deputy Editor of Billboard and a Features Editor at InStyle, and wrote for Time, the New York Times, the Hollywood Reporter, the Washington Post, Harper’s Bazaar, and Refinery29. Isabel was the Scholar in Residence at Rhodes College 2018-2019, is currently a CoGenerate senior fellow, and in 2023 gave a TedXAtlanta Talk on the power of civic engagement to improve community and sustain democracy.

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Events featuring Isabel González Whitaker
Events featuring Isabel González Whitaker