photo of Jose Siles

Jose Siles

Mission Manager
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Dr. José Siles earned his MS and his PhD in electrical engineering at the Technical University of Madrid, Spain. Jose is a Fulbright post-doctoral research award winner. Before joining NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 2010, he has done research in three different countries (Spain, Italy and France). He is currently the Project Manager and Technical Lead for ASTHROS, a Stratospheric long duration balloon radiotelescope launching from Antarctica in December 2024 to study how stars forms and how the effect of supernovae explosions affect the rate at which new stars form. José has spent a total of 5 months in Antarctica working on NASA Astrophsyics missions, which earned him the 2016 Antarctic Service Medal of the United States. He is also an experienced intrument rated private pilot.

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Events featuring Jose Siles
Events featuring Jose Siles