photo of Johnnie Turnage

Johnnie Turnage

EvenScore, Black Tech Saturdays

With 15 years of career experience, Johnnie and Alexa are award-winning grassroots activists and tech entrepreneurs. Johnnie began his career in social justice organizing working for Get Out the Vote where he led voter registration efforts. Johnnie and Alexa Turnage are now the founders of Black Tech Saturdays and EvenScore, bridging their passion for technology and community organizing. EvenScore is an impact-focused donation platform that provides a safe space for small-dollar donors to support causes and candidates to revolutionize Donors’ experience by making a system that creates an “even score” when it comes to fundraising. Black Tech Saturdays mission is to create community wealth by sharing knowledge, building a strong community, and celebrating Black Joy.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Johnnie Turnage
Events featuring Johnnie Turnage