photo of David Lindeman

David Lindeman

Executive Director
CITRIS Health, UC Berkeley

Dr. David Lindeman, PhD, is Executive Director, CITRIS Health, Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society and the Banatao Institute (CITRIS), UC Berkeley, and Director, Center for Technology and Aging (CTA). Dr. Lindeman’s current focus is working with researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors on the incubation, start-up, evaluation, and scaling of technology-enabled health care solutions, including initiatives in telehealth, mobile/cloud, sensors/IoT, robotics, assistive technologies, and machine intelligence. These technologies support health issues from wellness to complex chronic conditions and precision health, emphasizing global applications. Dr. Lindeman serves as an advisor to foundations, government agencies, start-ups, businesses, and venture firms.

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Events featuring David Lindeman
Events featuring David Lindeman