photo of Jeremy Rashad Brown

Jeremy Rashad Brown

Brown Boy Productions

Jeremy Rashad Brown is a Black American multidisciplinary creative and entrepreneur who is based in Austin, TX. Brown created and wrote a theatre for youth musical play, RAP UNZEL, that personifies Black Boy Joy and amplifies emotional intelligence and self-care.

The show premiered February 2019 and was a massive success that accumulated numerous B. Iden Payne Award nominations and wins. In 2023, Jeremy was invited to showcase RAP UNZEL at SXSW EDU. In addition to the theatre arts community, Brown is an active member of the Black Austin, LGBTQ, spiritual, tech, theatre, and film communities. His personal mission is to explore the intersections between these different communities and beyond; the RAP UNZEL web series adaption, REGGIE RAP’S ROOM, is his solid effort to fulfill his mission.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

Events featuring Jeremy Rashad Brown
Events featuring Jeremy Rashad Brown