photo of Savannah Horton

Savannah Horton

Manager, Strategic Initiatives
Aerospace Industries Association

Savannah Horton is the Manager of Strategic Initiatives at the Aerospace Industries Association. In her role, she supports the organization’s outreach strategy with AIA’s member companies and broader advocacy efforts. Savannah also works closely on facilitating the American Rocketry Challenge, the world's largest model rocketry competition for middle and high school students.

Prior to AIA, Savannah was admitted to the inaugural Zed Factor Fellowship class for aerospace professionals from historically excluded backgrounds. Savannah was a fellow at Zeno Power where she conducted policy research on radioisotope power systems and communicated with key stakeholders in nuclear power policy for aerospace development.

Savannah received her Master of Public Policy from the University of Virginia's Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy. Savannah previously graduated with distinction from UVA with a BA in Political Philosophy, Policy and Law, a double major in Government, and Astronomy minor.

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Events featuring Savannah Horton
Events featuring Savannah Horton