photo of Novo Constare

Novo Constare

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
indeed flex

Novo Constare is the current Chief Executive and Co-Founder of Indeed Flex. Novo is also the General Manager & Vice President of Staffing Solutions at the organization. Novo co-founded Syft in 2015 in London. Four years later, in the summer of 2019, Syft was acquired by Indeed and rebranded as Indeed Flex. Prior to launching Syft, Novo worked in financial markets as a Senior Arbitrage Trader at Chicago-based alternative investments Fund, Tradelink LLC. Novo graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Bristol University in Economics and Philosophy. Novo has been a member of the General Volunteer at Operations Hub, a London-based charity dedicated to housing and feeding the city’s homeless community, for almost nine years.

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Events featuring Novo Constare
Events featuring Novo Constare