photo of Justin LaPree

Justin LaPree

Founder & President
The Illuminating Co.

Justin LaPree's story is a beacon of hope and transformation, showcasing the boundless capacity of the human spirit to rise above challenges. As the visionary Founder and President of The Illuminating Co. (TICo), Justin is at the forefront of a transformative movement. He ingeniously merges the age-old wisdom of traditional practices with the groundbreaking potential of entheogenic medicines. His mission is bold and straightforward: to guide those in search of not just relief but also the zenith of their personal and spiritual development.

TICo is proud to offer two sanctuaries: Illuminating Heroes and Illuminating Hearts. Illuminating Heroes is dedicated to the valor of veterans, first responders, and their families, providing a sanctuary for healing and personal growth. Illuminating Hearts welcomes the wider community to embark on transformative journeys. This bifurcated strategy highlights TICo's dedication to not only healing but also comprehensive enhancement, inspiring individuals to surpass their current barriers and realize their maximum potential.

Transitioning from a decorated Marine and Austin firefighter to a pioneer in mental health and well-being, Justin embodies the profound impact of determination and resilience. Overcoming a failed suicide attempt brought on by the obstacles posed by a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress (PTS), he has forged a new path toward a future where individuals are empowered to not only surmount their challenges but to flourish and achieve excellence.

Justin's narrative underscores the conviction that personal adversities can act as a springboard for widespread optimism, steering us toward a future where mental health transcends recovery, aiming for unprecedented levels of personal success. Through TICo's initiatives, Justin isn't just leading a change; he's inviting us all to tap into our utmost potential, adopting innovative approaches to cultivate our most meaningful and interconnected lives.

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Events featuring Justin LaPree
Events featuring Justin LaPree