photo of Matt LaVigna

Matt LaVigna

National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance

Matt is the President & CEO of the National Cyber Forensics & Training Alliance (NCFTA), a public benefit, not for profit organization whose mission is to create and manage an alliance of private industry and law enforcement to share cyber-related threat information and to operationally address cybercrime. Prior to joining NCFTA in 2015, Matt spent 26+ years in the United States Secret Service leading criminal investigations in Pittsburgh and NYC. Matt also spent time in Washington, DC assigned to the Presidential Protection Detail for President’s Clinton and Bush. At a strategic level, Matt served in Secret Service Headquarters as well as an Investigative Fellow on Capitol Hill for a U.S. Senate Committee and was a Founding Member of the Department of Homeland Security. During his career.

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Events featuring Matt LaVigna
Events featuring Matt LaVigna