photo of Dmitri Vietze

Dmitri Vietze

Chief Executive Officer
Rock Paper Scissors

Dmitri runs the Music Tectonics Podcast, where he’s interviewed many AI Music Startup founders, and founded the Music Tectonics Conference which hosted the “AI’s Got Talent” competition in 2019. His PR firm Rock Paper Scissors represents AI Music companies including Endel, Loudly, and more. Born in Nashville, Dmitri moved to NYC as a teen where he studied music at “the Fame High School” for Music and the Arts. After earning his business degree, he leaned into his entrepreneurial bent and launched RPS in 1999. His vision was to combine cutting-edge technology and deep organic storytelling to help clients crystallize their missions in compelling ways and amplify them in innovative ways. He can also be found speaking at conferences on new approaches to publicity and innovation.

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Events featuring Dmitri Vietze
Events featuring Dmitri Vietze